Fara að vörulýsingu

Build a robot

Verð 6.490 kr
Verð nú 6.490 kr Verð 6.490 kr
Uppselt / Væntanlegt
VSK innifalinn
  • Aðeins - 1 eftir
  • Áætlaður afhendingar tími Mar 14 - Mar 18
  • Frí póstsending ef verslað er fyrir 15.000kr

This charming robot features four interchangeable heads, which teach emotions and offer different tactile & auditory experiences. Legs are movable for standing or sitting.

  • Helps children develop emotionally and cognitively by inviting them to express their emotions and feelings through play
  • Includes 4 interchangeable heads with various expressions
  • Legs can be manipulated to make the robot stand or sit

Þetta leikfang æfir

Language & Communication

Hentar fyrir 3+